<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free Sensor

The Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free sensor monitors free space on the disks of a Microsoft Hyper-V cluster shared volume via PowerShell.

Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free Sensor

Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free Sensor

i_square_cyanFor a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel List.

Sensor in Other Languages

  • Dutch: Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free
  • French: Espace disponible du volume partagé du Cluster Hyper-V
  • German: Hyper-V Freigegebenes Clustervolume Freier Speicher
  • Japanese: Hyper-V クラスター共有ボリュームディスク空き容量
  • Portuguese: Disco de volume compartilhado do cluster Hyper-V livre
  • Russian: Свободное дисковое пространство общего тома кластера Hyper-V
  • Simplified Chinese: Hyper-V 群集共享卷磁盘可用空间
  • Spanish: Espacio libre en disco de volumen compartido en clúster Hyper-V


  • This sensor requires .NET 4.7.2 or later from Microsoft on the probe system.
  • This sensor requires Remote PowerShell on the target system.
  • This sensor requires WSFC PowerShell Interface on the target system.
  • This sensor requires that the parent device is a Windows server that runs Hyper-V.
  • This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems in the settings of the parent device.
  • Make sure that the resource names of your disks do not contain unsupported characters, especially avoid the number sign (#). In general, the sensor supports UTF-8 characters. We recommend that you do not rename resource disk names once you have set up monitoring. For more information, see the Knowledge Base: Why don't my Hyper-V sensors work after changing names?
  • This sensor supports IPv6.
  • This sensor has a medium performance impact.

i_podYou cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Detailed Requirements



.NET 4.7.2 or later

This sensor requires .NET 4.7.2 or later to be installed on the probe system (on every cluster node, if on a cluster probe).

i_round_redIf the framework is missing, you cannot create this sensor.

i_square_cyanFor more information, see the Knowledge Base: Which .NET version does PRTG require?

Remote PowerShell

This sensor uses PowerShell commands. This sensor requires that Remote PowerShell access is enabled on the target system.

i_round_blueIn larger environments, the default memory limit for the remote shell might be insufficient. This might result in the error message The WSMan provider host process did not return a proper response. In this case, increase the memory limit for Remote PowerShell.

i_square_cyanFor more information, see the Knowledge Base: How do I enable and use remote commands in Windows PowerShell? and How can I increase memory for Remote PowerShell?

WSFC PowerShell Interface

This sensor requires the WSFC (Windows Server Failover Clustering) PowerShell Interface to be installed on the target system. You can list all modules in the PowerShell console with the command Get-Module -ListAvailable. Here, FailoverClusters must appear. Under Windows Server 2008 (not officially supported) and Windows Server 2012 (not officially supported), the interface is part of the VMM Administrator Console, or the VMM 2012 Management Console.

The interface is available everywhere the WSFC feature is installed: Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1) Full and Core (not installed by default), Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 (SP1), and Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, and Windows 7 (SP1).

Basic Sensor Settings

Basic Sensor Settings

Basic Sensor Settings



Sensor Name

Enter a name to identify the sensor. By default, PRTG shows this name in the device tree, as well as in alarms, logs, notifications, reports, maps, libraries, and tickets.

i_round_blueIf the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Parent Tags

The tags that the sensor inherits from its parent device, parent group, and parent probe.

i_round_blueThis setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.


Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically inherited.

i_round_blueIt is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-) sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:

  • diskfree
  • hyperv
  • powershell


Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the lowest priority (i_priority_1) to the highest priority (i_priority_5).

Disk Free Settings

Disk Free Settings

Disk Free Settings




The name of the disk that this sensor monitors.

Result Handling

Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:

  • Discard result (default): Do not store the sensor result.
  • Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder of the PRTG data directory on the probe system. The file names are Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each scanning interval.

i_round_blueIn a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Sensor Display



Primary Channel

Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels are available for this sensor.

i_round_blueYou can set a different primary channel later by clicking b_channel_primary below a channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type

Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:

  • Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.
  • Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
    i_round_redYou cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings).

Stack Unit

This setting is only visible if you select Stack channels on top of each other above.

Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings

By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings if necessary. To change a setting for this object only, click b_inherited_enabled under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance and to display its options.

i_square_cyanFor more information, see section Inheritance of Settings.

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

i_square_cyanFor more information, see section Root Group Settings, section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

i_round_blueYou cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

i_square_cyanFor more information, see section Root Group Settings, section Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window (default).

Access Rights

Access Rights

Access Rights

i_square_cyanFor more information, see section Root Group Settings, section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

i_round_blueWhich channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

Channel Unit Configuration

i_square_cyanFor more information, see section Root Group Settings, section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List

i_round_blueWhich channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available components, and the sensor setup.




In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount of time in which the sensor was in the Down status

Free Bytes

The free space

Free Space

The free space (%)

i_round_blueThis channel is the primary channel by default.


The total space


i_square_blueKNOWLEDGE BASE

Why don't my Hyper-V sensors work after changing names?

Where can I find more information about PowerShell sensors?

How do I enable and use remote commands in Windows PowerShell?

How can I increase memory for Remote PowerShell?

Which .NET version does PRTG require?

What security features does PRTG include?

My PowerShell sensor returns an error message. What can I do?

I get the error "WinRM cannot process the request" when I try to use a PowerShell sensor

I have problems with the PowerShell Exchange sensors, what can I do?